Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Movie Review: Bag It, a Documenter of a Plastic Bag

So last week I watched this documenter film entitled “Bag It”. This is made by . They said that it is a film about plastic bag. Well, I was expecting a journey of a talking plastic bag going through the cycle of its never ending live from the factory, to some shop or supermarket, and ended up undergorund or at the town dumpster unable to pass to a new cycle live. Yes. I completely aware that pastic bags are not always being recycled and that its own existance will clog the cycle of live (pfft. Way to put it, drama queen). And sure the film gave us that. Only that it’s not the plastic bag itself that did the talking. It was Jeb Berrier who did the talking.
It’s nice watching the flow of the movie and how he gave us simple fact without exagerating yet still get the impact in our mind. Come one, who wouldn’t be surprised knowing there is a ring of plastic bag floating out there in the middle of the ocean and that the marine lives are suffering for what WE had done? This “Bag It” gives me the right dose of what I need to know to take action (if I still have the human heart).
What is nice about this film is, it does not only shows the fault of us human beings, but it also shows how some of decent men with good working brain and kind heart out there already started out on their own way of saving the world from plastic reign. For example, it is very educational knowing that in German there are recycling vending machine that will give you a few bucks from putting recycled plastic bottle inside and letting the machine ( or however the system works) recycled the bottle. This has a good effect of encouraging people to recylcle their used plastic bottles. Seeing Heb Berrier trying to change by actually reducing plastic use by bringing his own container for grocery shopping or when he bought food is rather inspiring too.
There are lots of facts that actually important but not yet widespread information that people should now about plastic an its danger to the world. Most people though that it is always possible to recylce plastic so as long as they put their plastic garbage in the right circle, the garbage will always be recycled.  The reality is not that easy. Not all plastics are recycable and the other unrecycable plastics goes... where? The film emphasize on the long existance of plastic once it is created. It won’t just dissapear just when you want it too. Plastic is much more complicated than that.
Overall, it is a nice way to start plastic conserving campaign. Start from myself, and maybe to other people while I am at it.