Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

I'm So Pathetic My Ear Cries Blood

... ... What's that about? Well, that's about how my left ear splits blood and going 75% deaf temporary (I really hope so). And how did it turned out like this again? Well, I haven't tell you anything actually so let's start from the day a doctor make fun of hardened earwax at the very back of my ear.

By the way, serumen is what you call cerumen is the medical term for ear recess. It is usually gathering inside the ear and will be pushed out to our ear lobe as we eat, speak, laugh, etc. Some cases might lead to hardening of the cerumen just like in my case.

So, back to the story. I woke up in Wednesday morning, feeling like my left ear got some water in it. I tried to shake it off but it didn't work and I still half-deaf. I panicked and the memory of my friend telling me her story of getting Herpes inside your ear makes you deaf, dizzy, feverish, and have trouble in moving flowing back in, raising my panic even more. I called my mom and she told me to go to near by Puskesmas where my Aunt works. By the way, I realize that I'm still a spoiled child even in my twenties. Kind of pathetic the fact that I had to get my mom telling to go to the hospital when I actually already know what to do. Guess that's another thing to fix. Later though. Bleeding ear comes first.

After that, I went there and got my ear examined. And~ here comes the doctor joking around. The doctor is actually pretty kind and not that intimidating. He might be in his late twenties or mid thirties. Wearing glasses and a mask. He took a look at my ear and then, saying "Aw, it's just cerumen hardening at the back of your ear." saying that nonchalantly while giving prescription for a medication to liquidify (is that even a word? :s) the earwax. And the first though coming up to my mind was ," Why didn't you just say 'earwax'?" O well, that goes, I applied the medication. It has to be dropped exactly three drops on each ear. Each ear will require you to lay on your side and wait for the liquid to take action for 10 minutes. Not an easy task to do on campus. My friend saw me laying sideway at the Mosque and said I looked so wasted. Nyahaha. Good point. I WAS wasted anyway. It hurted like hell >.< And I couldn't hear my surrounding well. Being in a place with lots of noises but you can't make that out well is really suffocating. But then there are things I have to do so I endured that Wednesday on campus.
At night, it hurts even more! It Hurts like hell and I can only moaning in pain without able to do anything. The pathetic feeling was similar to when you have sever toothache but can do nothing to ease the pain even for just a little.

Next morning came. Actually I want to spend the day not doing anything and letting my ear have its deserved rest. But then this friend of mine insist that everyone at the boardinghouse will have to go on a karaoke as a commemoration of the end of the semester test. Well, I'm sick of dealing with her tantrum when things doesn't goes as she planned so I come along. I said we should just have two hours of karaoke but she said it should be three hours. Well, whatever, I came along. And it came true. The last one hour of the deafening room, I lay still, grimacing as my ear started to acted up.

Okay. Then we went home and I went to my Aunt's house. Spending the night there. I was tired after the karaoke and My ear still hurt like hell, so I drank the medicine, drop the liquid, and went to sleep. At 3 AM I woke up and started to do the part time job while grumbling. I actually wanted to say that I was sick and wanted a day off, but I would feel defeated that way. So I decided to be stubborn and pretend to be strong enough to write even when my ear keep gnawing on my consciousness.

Morning came, I had only a few hours of sleep and my ear was still deaf. At 8 I came to the Puskemas and there, the doctor was ready to do the operation. I thought it would go as quickly and would feel nothing, but O how universe love to tease me and broke any of my expecation. It hurst like hell when the doctor put some metal stick to take off the earwax. Even thet, he twisted the stick makes me feel like my head was going too explode of too excessive pain from the ear.  I held back my tears as much as I could, and he did that twisting AGAIN! I moaned in pain but keep my head still. And after that dreadful minutes, the doctor said that there was a pimple there inside so we have to make the pimple cured before taking the earwax.

I felt like mashing the doctor hear and there.

AFter that it took one week for the pimple to be cured, and then the earwax was vacuumed off of my ear. I thoght my brain was going to be vacuumed out too.

Well, that was the end. I finally realized how wonderful it is to have two functioning ears. How I had been abusive to my ears and not taking good care of it.

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