It's past midnight and I'm crying right now reading my e-mai. Why you ask?
Dunno. Probably all the pent up frustration got blurted out with that one simple e-mails telling me to revise my work from days ago. Okay. Since it's my blog, MY Trash Bin, I'm gonna trashing around here.
So it's been a few weeks since the admin of my working place got annoying with all of his/ her mistakes and vague instruction for my works. After all those times, I put up and held back my emotion. I settled the thing down. I managed to pass that. But hey, he admin doesn't stop messing with me! This time he came back with a revision work from two days ago! And not to mention there are also those of yesterday's work, as well as today's work. Well done. Now my frustration also bursting out like the mountains of revision that I had to do.
Sure, it all happens because I made the mistakes from the start. If I were bright enough to do all those things well with the half-assed instruction, then I wouldn't have to do the revsion.
All well ends well. All bad ends worst. Okay, I bought that to myself. And now I'm cleaning up the mess.
Sorry for being a drama queen over such a simple thing. Thanks for listening. I feel better.
And message to myself: Next time, read the instruction real well before starting your job.
Jill(?): How the heck am I supposed to read it every time when the opening is always the same?! You admins better stop copy-pasting the old instructions and only adding a few tid bits of changes!!!
AnotherJill: Well, you're the employee so that's your fault for not wanting to be at the top,
Jill(?): Ck. I prefer down here cursing at those above rather than flew up there and being cursed by those bellow me!
AnotherJill: No one will curse you if you do everything properly.
Jill(?): What is proper anyway?
AnotherJill: ... ... ... Okay that's it. Jill's being delusional (again).
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